I am so tired of constantly changing who I am to fit in to one group of people vs. another. It’s exhausting. It’s demeaning. It’s over rated. I can’t do it anymore and more importantly I am not doing it anymore. This is a statement that I have said so many times that it might as well be my personal mantra, the problem is that I never put it into action. That stops today. Right now, right here. I am who I am and I am done changing and hiding that fact. Take me, leave me, I could care less…there is freedom in finally giving yourself permission to be Y-O-U. Today, I gave myself permission and if you need it, I give you permission to. Let the world see who you are in bright lit up technicolor 3.0 surround sound. We need YOU just as you are.
You are an amazing human being Sara! I will follow from afar if that’s ok?
Absolutely! It’s designed for anyone anywhere!!